
18+Forestsoundeffects/recordings:Avariedcollectionofforestatmospheres-fromveryquietplaceslikeSequoiaNationalparktomorelivelywoods, ...,Thebuiltinstallation,calledWoodenMegaphones,hasinthreeshortmonthsinspiredthousandsofpeoplefromcitiesfromallovertheworldtovisitthese ...,StepintothewildernesswithForestAmbiences,asoundlibrarythattakesyouonanauditoryjourneythroughtheheartofCentralEuropeanforests....

Forest Atmosphere

18+ Forest sound effects / recordings: A varied collection of forest atmospheres - from very quiet places like Sequoia National park to more lively woods, ...

Wooden Megaphones

The built installation, called Wooden Megaphones, has in three short months inspired thousands of people from cities from all over the world to visit these ...

Forest Ambiences

Step into the wilderness with Forest Ambiences, a sound library that takes you on an auditory journey through the heart of Central European forests.

The Forest Library

The Forest Library. Forest Sounds. 202145 songs, about 2 hr. Birds Above The Stream · Forest Sounds · Forest Brooks · Forest Sounds · World of Crickets · Forest ...

Sounds of the Forest

The sounds form an open source library, to be used by anyone to listen to and create from. We invite you to visit your local forest or woodland, and record ...

Sounds of the Forest

2020年9月11日 — The Sounds of the Forest library, accessible via its interactive map or Soundcloud page, “will form an open source library,” the project ...

Sounds of the Forest

We are collecting the sounds of woodlands and forests from all around the world, creating a growing soundmap bringing together aural tones and textures from the ...